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International Relations Department
Rio’s measures against Covid-19 are published by the Metropolis Network

22/07/2020 12:30:00

Rio de Janeiro City Hall, through the International Relations Department (CGRI), periodically publishes in communication channels of cities network and global organizations its actions to contain the spread of the new coronavirus, to reduce the impacts of the pandemic and to resume economic activity in the municipality.


The measures adopted by the City of Rio to combat Covid-19 are being published at the Cities for Global Health online platform, organized by Metropolis. The network, which brings together the main cities and metropolitan regions around the world, launched the initiative with the aim of promoting the exchange of good practices locally.


Among the actions disclosed are the inauguration of the Field Hospital in Riocentro with capacity for 500 beds (100 ICU), the adaptation of the Municipal Hospital Ronaldo Gazolla as reference unit for the treatment of Covid-19, the purchase of personal protective equipment distributed between hospitals and municipal health units, the publication of a decree regulating the use of masks in public places, the cleaning of public areas and the delivery of food baskets to students in the municipal education network.


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