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International Relations Department
IDAHOBIT: know how to appeal to the Municipal Sexual Diversity Department

18/05/2021 10:16:00

Flag on Rio seashore - Photo: Alexandre Macieira/Prefeitura do Rio


May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). On the same date, in 1991, the World Health Organization excluded homosexuality from the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), and started to officially recognize it as a sexual orientation, and no longer as a mental disorder.


In the City of Rio de Janeiro, the Sexual Diversity Executive Department (CEDS) is responsible for creating, coordinating, and supervising public policies aimed at promoting LGBTI+ citizenship and combating discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. CEDS also receives victims of violence and violation of civil rights, providing legal assistance and monitoring denounces along with investigation institutions.


- Only the denounce is the solution. Exercising citizenship also involves not being silent when witnessing disrespect. By reporting, citizens ensure that other people do not suffer from the violation of civil rights acquired through many struggles. Rio's hallmark is diversity, and our job is to ensure the consolidation of this welcoming culture in our municipality - recalls the Head of CEDS, Carlos Tufvesson.


The service is open to the public from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, both virtual and in-person in the Department's room, located in the City Palace ( São Clemente Street 360, Botafogo). Scheduling can be made by phone (21 2976-9138), e-mail (, or through CEDS social networks.


Facebook: @CEDSRio

Instagram: @cedsrio

Twitter: @CedsRio