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International Relations Department
Rio invests in international cooperation against Covid-19

22/07/2020 12:39:00

The city of Rio de Janeiro, through the International Relations Department (CGRI) launched the "Rio+International against COVID-19" initiative after the confirmation of the first cases of the disease in the city and the implementation of state of emergency in the municipality.


Rio strengthened international cooperation through channels for the exchange of best practices and established a dialogue with international cities that were facing an increase in the number of confirmed cases. Since the beginning of the pandemic, virtual meetings have been held between the Municipal Secretariat of Health, the Civil Defense, and the Rio Operations Center, with the support of CGRI, and the participation of Asian, European and American cities to exchange experiences.


With the implementation of new measures in the City, CGRI publicized the municipal actions taken to contain the spread of the virus in communication channels and reports of multilateral organizations and city networks. The municipality's initiatives were highlighted in documents and platforms of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities (UCCI), the Metropolis Network, the C40  Cities Climate Leadership Group, the Local Governments for Sustainability network (ICLEI), the Euro-Latin American Alliance for Cooperation between Cities (AL-LAS) and the Urban-20 (U20) initiative, which brings together cities in the countries of the G20 economic group.


In June, the City of Rio was awarded by the Challenge of the Cities for the Planet, carried out by the NGO WWF and the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) network, which reinforces the municipality's internationally prominent role. The award recognizes efforts for a more sustainable future and the quality of data from Rio's Climate Change Monitoring System.


Donation raising and international technical cooperation


The International Relations Department has guided its activities to support the municipal response to the pandemic and reduce its impacts in order to raise funds and donations from partner cities, consulates, chambers of commerce, public and private companies, and individuals. The materials collected are distributed among the municipal health and social assistance networks directly involved in the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Until June 4th, 98 international cities, 67 companies, 22 class associations, diplomatic representations, and consulates were contacted.

More than 518 thousand items have already been collected, such as masks, hand sanitizer and personal protective equipment (PPE), in addition to other products, such as tablets to be used by patients to contact their families during hospitalization, and other technical solutions to support the provision of public services online.


Adapting to the context of the pandemic


Health is a priority for Mayor Marcelo Crivella. Since the beginning of his administration, it is being carried the modernization of public health structure and renewal of the technological park of municipal hospitals from a total investment of BRL 370 million (USD 90 million). Before the pandemic hit the city, more than 18,000 pieces of equipment were purchased, including 27 CT scanners, 726 mechanical ventilators, and 162 X-ray machines - essential for the accurate diagnosis of the new coronavirus.

The Rio City Hall advocates that international cooperation is an asset to combat Covid-19. With the strengthening of the city's international image and the expansion of its prominent role in the external scenario, Rio will have more strength to overcome this challenge and protect, treat and recover its citizens, especially the most vulnerable population.